Whether this is your first time in Lignano Sabbiadoro, or you’re an aficionado of the place, a map is always a useful tool to get around.
You can download our map of Lignano Sabbiadoro to help you move comfortably around the beach and the lagoon by identifying the cycle paths and the main public services (such as law enforcement, pharmacies, the post office and so forth).
Our map of Lignano has a special focus on the beaches and you can pick out the various bathing establishments along the 8 km of beach, the entertainment villages, free beaches and the areas available to dogs. Don’t miss the free events taking place in the Beach Arena and in the Piazza Marcello d'Olivo, the heart of summer entertainment by the sea.
Do you love cycling tours? Find the Lignano Sabbiadoro Gestioni Bike Point situated by Beach Village, Beach office n. 7 in Sabbiadoro, where there’s free bike rental and from where our free cycling tours set off. You can also take advantage of the boat connections run by the TPL FVG that will take you to Marano, Grado, Bibione which let you bring your bike with you.
It’ll be a sensational holiday in Lignano Sabbiadoro!