The C.R.A.D., regional coordination of diabetic associations, has created an important awareness event, already in its third edition, called FREE WHEEL DIABETES.
From Friday 10th to Sunday 12th May 2024 will take place the third edition of "Diabete A Ruota Libera", an inclusive and amateur itinerant awareness ride that will cross the entire region.
Among the scheduled stops, Saturday 11 May we will leave at 09.30 from the Loggia Municipale of Pordenone towards Valvasone, San Vito al Tagliamento, probable lunch scheduled at the Cantine di Vini Ramuscello, Morsano al Tagliamento, Latisana, Bibione (VE), crossing the Tagliamento River with the X-River with the end of the stage in Lignano in Piazza Marcello D'Olivo, near the Tenda Bar.